
to be a child...

This past weekend was so refreshing. I always love going home. It's not just getting away from Dallas, it's getting away from the busyness of life, the traffic, the demands of friends/my job/life. Home has always been like a cocoon for me. It's a safe place where I can go without makeup, dress like a hobo, where purple fingernail polish that my family hates, cry about my disappointments, and feel unconditional love. And this weekend was extra special because I got to spend some quality time with my two favorite little people.

This is NOT a flattering picture, but was one of my favorite parts of the weekend. I got to babysit Anslee on Saturday morning and the two of us chilled in the hammock for half an hour while I sang to her. Notice those big blue eyes! (I'd like to think she got them from me) :)

And then I got to spend the afternoon with this monkey. We had so much fun playing on his new swingset, chasing butterflies, and jumping around in the water sprinkler. When I'm too old to behave like this anymore, I hope Mason will look back and remember how crazy and fun his Aunt Jaime was with him.

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