
Tough Love: Part Deux

So I've discovered that my self-diagnosis for being single was only half accurate. According to the flirtatious casting director, I'm acting flat out desperate for a man, which is sending them running. So why is it that the guys I don't like stick to me like super glue? Why does my desperation not scare them away as well? Things to ponder as I continue to walk around with my heart on a platter.

My roommate informed me several months ago that I am just too available. She literally does an awesome impersonation of me offering my heart to someone on a platter, only for it to be stabbed with a fork and left lying on the floor. And what do I do? I pick it up, dust it off, and offer it to the next available bachelor. I believe that would be the definition of insanity: continuing with the same behaviors but expecting a different outcome. I digress. One of these days I will learn to stop putting it all out there right up front and make the guy work to get to know me.

So my interview was supposed to be at 6:30 on Friday evening. When I finally got in to meet with the casting director at 8:30, any nervousness I felt had left and was replaced with complete indifference. He proceeded to ask me why I thought I was single and what I was looking for in a guy (physically) before asking if he was my type. Huh? I found out later that my nutty roommate had told him I thought he was hot. Good to know we caught my embarrassed reaction on camera for all of the directors to watch. He was a self-proclaimed ass, so I don't think I'll have to worry about hearing from him anytime soon. Or the directors of the show. Turns out they are looking for women with a little more drama in their lives. I'm more than happy to leave the past in the past and simply focus on moving forward and figuring out what God's plan is for my life. Whether than involves a man or not, I sure am having fun along the way!

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