"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."- Isaiah 55:12

Although I lived in Colorado for a short while, I have never gotten used to the feelings that overwhelm me every time I stare up at the mountains, or admire the milky way of stars in the night sky. When I am in the middle of nature, everything else suddenly fades away and all of my senses are heightened. I can see the splendor of the mountains, hear the rushing rivers, feel the wind on my face, smell the wildflowers and grasses. And I'm humbled when I realize that this is all part of God's invitation for me to step into His presence and experience His creation that was made just for my pleasure. None of this beauty was necessary. It was a gift. He knew that I would be His little nature girl...that I would feel closest to Him when I was surrounded by His majestic creation. And it's in these quiet moments that I let my Heavenly Father romance me.
I embrace the bouquet of flowers spreading out over the valleys; I listen to His quiet whispers that are carried in the wind; I admire the strength of his hands in the formation of the mountains; I am refreshed by His creation and I know that I am loved.
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