This website is awesome! You go online and create a profile, pay a small monthly fee for them to host your profile, and voila...you receive a fun little collection of these cards to hand out at your
discretion. The rest is left up to the unsuspecting person who receives it. If they go to the website and enter your code, they will be able to view your profile and email you. So the key here is: NO REJECTION! (At least not in person) I.L.O.V.E.T.H.I.S!!!!!
I don't know how many times I've been in Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, or just sitting out on a patio somewhere and noticed someone who sparked my interest. Of course, I'm way too shy to just approach that person and strike up a conversation. [Insert card here] So how easy is it to slip by their table and simply drop off a card with a smile? I'm betting curiosity will get the best of them!
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