"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost
Anslee Kate's 1st Birthday!
It is so hard to believe this sweet little girl is turning one on Tuesday! She is such a bundle of joy that is full of giggles and has just about everyone wrapped around her finger. We celebrated her birthday out at the lake with a delicious cake that Amber made and some fun times splashing around in the water.
This blog offers a little insight into humanity at its best! I've had enough friends comment on the craziness of my life over the past few years that I figured why not share it with those that I love. So, feel free to join in the journey of my life as a single, 30-something trying to make it in the big city. Laugh at my ups and downs. Sympathize with me over the ridiculous amount of bad dates I end up on. Pray with me that my Prince Charming is currently en route to be delivered by the FedEx guy. And above all, let this be a reminder that we are all a work in progress. If there is one thing I've learned, it's to laugh at myself and not take everything so seriously. Each day is a gift from God and it's up to us to make the most of it. Live well, laugh often, love much!!
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