My biggest hesitation when it came to seeking out a counselor is that I hate dragging up EVERY LITTLE THING from the past. And they do. Been there, done that.
I have an issue. That doesn't mean my parents are to blame. And I become very defensive on this topic because I happen to think I have the best parents ever. It doesn't mean they are perfect (they aren't), but they have done everything within their control to love me, provide for me and raise me up in the best way they knew how. So...don't attack my parents! I get very defensive. I got very defensive.
What did I learn this week? I never learned how to set boundaries or make decisions as a child; therefore, I've made some pretty poor decisions as an adult. Newsflash! And evidently this is all my dad's fault for being so strict and always telling me what to do instead of letting me have an opinion or choose.
Also, due to all of the spankings I received as a child (which were quite necessary based on the stories I've been told), I chose to stop my behaviors out of fear instead of recognizing what was right or wrong. Does this sound a little suspect to anyone else? I can see the mentality behind it, but come on...a 4 year-old child that is throwing a fit is not going to choose to stop throwing a fit because he/she recognizes it's bad behavior. However, a good spanking will show that child that the behavior is wrong and they will straighten up. This is where I will defer back to God's Word in Proverbs 13:24 "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." This is a point where I will agree to disagree with my counselor.
My homework for the next two weeks: Self-Differentiation. How's that for some counseling lingo? My job is to recognize my thoughts and my feelings for what they are. To recognize other's thoughts and feelings for what they are. And to NOT project my thoughts and feelings on others. This should be fun.
We'll start here...I'm pretty sure this blog has rambled on long enough; therefore, you must be bored out of your mind. :)
Risky Business!
So, if for one moment I was to forget about my debt, my fears of the unknown, my self-image, my job, my family, everything...what would I do to take a risk for the kingdom? It would look a little like this...
- Instead of turning my head, I would talk to every homeless person I saw on the streetcorner and tell them how much Jesus loves them.
- I would pick up hitchhikers, for the sole purpose of hearing their stories and serving them.
- I would pack my bags and head off to a foreign country to share the gospel on a long-term mission trip.
- I would give more than my allotted 10% to the church and truly trust God to provide for me.
- I would adopt a whole family of children through Compassion International.
- I would stop hiding and allow others to see the real me, with all of my struggles, and hope that my experiences would encourage them.
- I would be honest and tell people how I feel before it's too late.
- I would live every day as if it were my last!

I am right smack in the middle of a "Felicity" marathon. For the past few days, I've been glued to my television, reliving every torturous moment of my adolescence via Felicity Porter and her friends. For those of you who have never seen this show, it's painfully awkward. Picture "The Office", only set in the midst of college. I don't know what caused me to dig up this old DVD collection, much less spend countless hours watching it. What I do know is that my current life is still eerily reminiscent of the person I was back then.
Yes, I've grown up. I've matured and managed to persevere through some life-changing experiences. And I'm still living and learning. But deep inside, I'm reminded that I am still an insecure child who is trying to find my purpose in life. I still find myself feeling lost more often than not. Which leads me to my random meandering of the day...do we ever feel found? Like we belong? Likes things are as they should be?
For years, I've bought into the lie that if I could just find a husband and have my own family, that I would finally be fulfilling my purpose in life and have a place in this world. However, I have friends who have been blessed with marriage and babies who still struggle with feelings of incompleteness. I'm reminded of God's word in Luke 9:58 when Jesus says "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." I think God has placed this gaping sense of being lost (I will call it my own personal black hole) within me to draw me closer to my Heavenly Father. To remind me that this is not my home, no matter who I marry, how many children I have, where I live or what I do. All of this will pass away and I cannot look for belonging or contentment in this world.
Not exactly the most felicitous thought for the day. However, I will leave you with one of my favorite happy songs of the moment. Nothing pumps me up like listening to David Crowder's song "Oh, Happiness". Go forth, live life to the fullest, and be happy - for though we may not belong, we win!
Oh, happiness
There is grace
enough for us
And the whole human race
From the full streams
Of Your care
All who come
Begin again
Hard or friend
Rich or poor
All who need
Need fear no more
Such a thing to give away
All regrets
Let go, forget
There's something that
Mends all of that
Sound the church bells
Let 'em ring
Let 'em ring
For everything can be redeemed
We can be redeemed All of us
Outside of the box...

I've had several opportunities to be creative over the past few weeks and I'm loving it. I find that even though I love my job, I often times have to be very detailed and analytical, so I truly enjoy the moments when I can think "outside of the box" and have a little fun.
My sweet friend Natalie's birthday was this past Monday and we celebrated last night over this monstrous cupcake. It is seriously about the size of a human head and was a huge hit! (The picture just doesn't do it justice!) I also had a random stranger approach me and ask me to make one for his son. Hmm...perhaps I should start up a side business. Taking orders now...
And speaking of side businesses, I have been having a lot of fun with my photography lately. I had the opportunity to take family portraits for a good friend of mine from church. His family was an absolute joy to be around and they were so easy to work with. As a special thank you, I decided to package up their pictures and their CD in a cute little photo box that they could save. I think it cost me $3 and made such a huge difference in the presentation. Of course I don't think he had a clue what to do with it, but I'm sure his mom will appreciate it.
What is a mother?

We also celebrated my brother's birthday this past weekend (he just happened to be born on Mother's Day 34 years ago)! Hard to believe I'm related to such an old man! We spent the afternoon out at my parents new house eating hot dogs, watching the kids play, and visiting. It was a great time with family and just reminded me once again of how much I am blessed.
I think the most difficult part of her death for me is the fact that I didn't get to say goodbye. She lived in Houston with her amazing husband and this was the third round of cancer she had gone through. As I mentioned above, she was a true fighter! So naturally, when I heard the cancer had returned, I assumed she was going to kick some butt again. Little did I know that a few months later I would get an email from a mutual friend telling me that she was no longer with us. It all happened so fast. But isn't that just like life? We blink and it passes us by...
I want to thank my friend for reminding me how precious life is. For being the kind of woman who continued to glorify God and consider others above herself even when her own circumstances were not ideal. And for fighting the good fight right up until the very end! I will miss my sweet friend, but the memories I have of her and the legacy she has left behind will live on in those that she touched.