
What a Beautiful Belly!

This past weekend I had the wonderful pleasure of taking maternity pictures for my beautiful friends Courtney and Asher. What a joy! They were such troopers to meet up with me again, as this was the second time I had taken pictures for them, since I managed to delete the first set...UGH!

We had such a fun time enjoying the beautiful sunshine in the park. And little did they know, I had a small surprise waiting for them. I had two photo shoots Saturday morning and during the first, a little yellow duckling came out of nowhere and followed me and the family around for over an hour. Being the tender-hearted person I am, I couldn't leave it there by itself, so I took it with me to Courtney & Asher's shoot and planned to take it home. Fortunately, Asher is a duck hunter and was willing to provide a home for it until it was old enough to be released back into the wild. And can I just say...having a fluffy yellow duckling in your maternity pictures is priceless! Here are just a few pictures of the beautiful couple. They are going to be such amazing parents to their little girl.

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