And it only seems appropriate to end this happy blog with a friendly wave from Big Tex. It was yet another wonderful year at the State Fair of Texas!!!
I smell fried food...
And it only seems appropriate to end this happy blog with a friendly wave from Big Tex. It was yet another wonderful year at the State Fair of Texas!!!
A Day at the Dallas Zoo
Next up was the aviary, which was full of birds of all kinds. This one in particular caught my eye with its vivid orange color. And lucky me caught a shot right as it was flying away from its nest. I get to submit three pictures for the contest and this was the first I chose.
And then he got tired of me taking his picture and I'm pretty sure he was pondering ways to escape. You know...that did actually happen at the Dallas Zoo once?!?!? The picture below was my favorite from the entire day and was the 3rd one I submitted. How anyone can look at all of these beautiful animals and not think of our Creator and His endless imagination is beyond me. It was such a perfect day and now I will just wait to see if any of my photos were selected. :)
What does a perfect day look like for you?
- Waking up early (and rested) and enjoying a Starbucks hot chocolate or Peppermint Mocha out on the patio while enjoy some quite time with God in the crisp morning air
- Getting all of my laundry done, sheets washed, home cleaned and everything left in order
- Going for a long drive or bike ride with no destination or time constraint
- Enjoy a nice lunch on a patio where I can journal and soak up everything around me
- Go for a mani/pedi/full body massage
- Visit the Arboretum where I can walk around in solitude, curl up on a blanket with a good book, and photograph God's beautiful creation
- Meet up with my favorite girlfriends for a night of dinner and dancing
- Soak in a long, hot bubble bath with a glass of wine
- Curl up on the couch with one of my favorite chick flick movies until I can barely keep my eyes open
- Crawl into my bed between clean sheets and drift off into dreamland
Sounds pretty dreamy, huh?
Write much???

I think one of the reasons I like her so much is that we are so very alike, even though we are separated by 46 years of age. We are both stubborn and independent. Share a huge passion for music and the arts. Love travel and photography. And we are both writers. In yesterday's reading, she was encouraging me to write everything down. After all, the older you get, the less you remember. Fortunately, I have been recording my life for the past 18 years. I literally went through my bookcase last night and pulled out all of the journals I have written in. I'm pretty sure some of them are still in hiding, but they made for a fun picture, right?
I haven't actually found the time to sit down and read back through them yet. Maybe someday soon. It's always fun to see how far you've come, the lessons you've learned, and the lessons you are still learning. And who knows? Maybe someday my adolescent thoughts and words will be able to encourage my daughter or neice.
Launch Retreat

More than anything, this weekend was a reminder that it's not about me. Whether I was unloading a billion cases of water, making countless team signs, signing people in, or leading a small group, it was all for HIM. Although I was completely exhausted and utterly used up, I have never been filled with so much joy!