And while I'm on this little tangent, let me just say that I hate being relegated to even have to go online in search of love. Why is it that all of the really nice guys I see serving in church can't find it in themselves to be interested in a person like me? All I'm asking for is ONE!
After taking the past year and a half off to get my head on straight, I finally decided to put myself back out there. And it's no better than it was 2 years ago. The vast majority of the responses I've received have been from men in their 50's who are 5'8" or shorter with 3+ kids. Really? My only requirements are:
Believe/Love/Serve the Lord
Be 5'9" or taller
Between the ages of 28-40
What in the world makes them think I will make an exception for them? Maybe I'm being mean. But then I have a disaster date like the one I went on last night and it reminds me why I have these requirements in the first place.
Meet Tom. He had a very vague profile (red flag #1) mentioning that he is shy, humble, wants kids, is a Christian, likes travel. But he looks sweet in his pictures so I give him the benefit of the doubt. On our date last night, I find out he doesn't really believe in the Bible, much less God, and has no desire to go to church. Oh, and the kids option...he isn't really sure he wants them. He would much rather just get married and selfishly have his spouse to himself. After all, kids just require more time and effort. And as far as being shy - if throwing himself on me and asking me to spend the night with him multiple times is considered shy, I am not prepared for online dating!