Her birth caused me to once again reflect on God's creation and how absolutely amazing He is. Psalm 139:13 says "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." To think that for the past 38 weeks, this little girl has been growing, stretching, and swimming around in Amber's tummy, yet in a matter of seconds, she is a living, breathing, crying, functioning little person. How does she know to take a breath, to open her eyes, to cry when she is unhappy? It's all part of God's intricate plan. And it's amazing! To truly reflect on everything that takes place from conception to birth is mind-boggling and overwhelming.
So I leave a challenge to my sweet little niece and those of you who follow this blog. You are alive because God desired for you to be alive. He predestined you to be a part of His plan from the very beginning and He has great things in store for you. How will you let God "knit your life together" during your time on earth to glorify Him and build up His kingdom?