So I'm really struggling through the whole concept of divorce right now. I am one of those fortunate people who have parents who are still together...36 years to be exact! I have had examples of godly marriages all around me growing up. And it's always been my plan to marry one man and spend the rest of my life with him...someday! However, the more I'm putting myself out there in the dating world, I'm realizing this isn't the first time around for many of these men. Whether they made bad decisions when they were young or have experienced infidelity, divorce seems to be more and more prominent.
Do I judge them for their failed marriages? Absolutely not. We all make mistakes. However, when I view this from a biblical perspective, it gets sticky. 1 Corinthians 7 has a lot to say about this topic. My interpretation is: If a man or woman is married to an individual that is a non-believer, who chooses to remain in the relationship, then there are no grounds for divorce. However, if the non-believer wants out, then divorce is acceptable, as they are not bound by these circumstances. Matthew 19 goes on to say that "anyone who divorces his/her spouse, for any reason other than unfaithfulness, and marries another commits adultery." According to scripture, this is pretty black and white. Any reasons other than infidelity or unbelief are not grounds for a biblical divorce. And not only are they not grounds for divorce; it means that if I were to marry someone who falls into this category, then I would be commiting adultery. UGH!
This is where my struggle has been lately. I keep meeting these great guys who have been divorced...and not for biblical reasons. Young and dumb just doesn't seem like a good enough excuse. And I don't see where grace factors into this equation. If God forgives and is the God of second chances, then why can't those who have been divorced have a second chance? I just feel awfully judgmental writing guys off because of the big D. I'm sure there will be more thoughts to come on this topic in the future as I try and discern God's will and figure things out...
Comfy Luxurious White Bedding
4 years ago